Dini ni mfumo wa maishani

Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Mahakama ya Rufaa nchini Niger imeamuru kuachiliwa mara moja kwa Rais wa zamani wa nchi hiyo Mamadou Tandja
Bw Mamadou Tandja
Mahakama ya Rufaa nchini Niger imeamuru kuachiliwa mara moja kwa Rais wa zamani wa nchi hiyo Mamadou Tandja aliyepinduliwa mwezi Februari 2010.
Tangu wakati huo Bwana Tandja alikuwa madarakani kwa miaka 10, anatuhumiwa kwa matumizi mabaya ya fedha za umma.
Viongozi wa mapinduzi hayo walikasirishwa baada ya Tandja kuwania uongozi tena kwa kipindi kingine cha tatu.
Mwezi uliopita, uongozi huo wa kijeshi ulikabidhi rasmi utawala kwa kiongozi wa upinzani wa siku nyingi Mahamadou Issoufou aliyeshinda uchaguzi wa marudio mwezi Machi.
Katika mzunguko wa kwanza mwezi Januari Tandja aliondolewa kutoka kwenye nyumba aliyowekwa kizuizini na kupelekwa gerezani.
"Mashtaka yote na kesi dhidi ya Mamadou Tandja yamefutwa" mmoja wa wanasheria wake Souley Oumarou, ameliambia shirika la Habari la AFP.
Mwandishi wa BBC nchini Niger Idy Baraou anasema Tandja alikuwa anatuhumiwa kwa ubadhirifu wa fedha za serikali kiasi cha dola milioni moja.
Alikuwa pia anahusishwa na ufisadi wa zabuni ya mbolea yenye gharama kati ya $9m na $10m.
Katiba mpya ya Niger imepunguza madaraka ya Marais wanaokuja na kuweka kikomo cha urais kuwa miaka kumi.
Umoja wa mataifa waelezea hali ya wasiwasi Syria
Umoja wa Mataifa umeelezea wasi wasi kuhusu hali ya usalama katika mji wa Deraa Kusini mwa Syria, huku serikali ya nchi hiyo ikiendeleza mkakati wake wa kuwasaka wapiganaji wa waasi.
Umoja wa mataifa, umesema shirika lake la kutoa misaada, halijaruhusiwa kufika mjini humo na kuwa shirika lingine la kutoa misaada halijafanikiwa kupokea dawa na vifaa vya matibabu kuwasaidia wakimbizi wanaotoroka mapigano kati ya wanajeshi wa serikali na waasi.
Hakuna mawasiliano katika mji wa Deraa kwa muda wiki mbili sasa baada ya serikali ya nchi hiyo kutuma wanajeshi na vifaru ili kujaribu kutwaa udhibiti wa mji huo kutoka kwa wapiganaji wa waasi.
Wakati huo huo, muungano wa Ulaya EU umetangaza kuiwekea Syria marufuku ya kuagiza silaha.
Kwa mujibu wa taarifa kutoka kwa muungano huo, serikali ya nchi hiyo haitaruhusiwa kuagiza silaha au vifaa ambavyo vinaweza kutumiwa kukandamiza upinzani.
Maafisa 13 wa ngazi ya juu wa serikali ya Syria na washirika wao, pia wamepigwa marufuku kusafiri nchi 27 za muungano huo na amana zao zilizoko katika nchi za Ulaya zimezuiliwa
Aliyedai kubakwa Libya afika Tunisia
Eman al-Obeidi
Eman al-Obeidi, ambaye aliingia ghafla kwenye hoteli moja mjini Tripoli iliyokuwa imejaa waandishi wa habari wa kigeni na kudai kubakwa na wafuasi wa kanali Muammar Gaddafi, amekimbia na kuelekea Tunisia.
Bi Obeidi aliliambia shirika la habari la CNN alivuka mpaka siku ya Alhamis, akisaidiwa na maafisa wa kijeshi walioasi.
Alisema aliondoka Tripoli kwa gari akiwa amefunikwa kichwa huku jicho moja tu likibaki wazi.
Mwezi Machi, aliwaambia waandishi wa habari alishikiliwa kwa siku mbili na kubakwa na askari 15 wanaomtii kiongozi wa Libya.
Tukio hilo lilipata umaarufu mkubwa tangu ghasia kuanza nchini humo, lakini kumekuwa na ripoti nyingine nyingi za ubakaji kama silaha ya vita kulingana na waangalizi.
Picha za kuondolewa kwa nguvu kwa Bi Obeidi kutoka hoteli ya Rixos na maafisa wa usalama wa Libya zilionyeshwa Machi 26 na kushuhudiwa na ulimwengu mzima.
Serikali ya Libya imekana kuwa mwanamke huyo alibakwa, na wanaodaiwa kumshambulia wamefungua kesi kwa madai ya kuwakashifu.
Kulingana na CNN Bi Obeidi ameripotiwa kupelekwa ubalozi wa Ufaransa mjini Tunis mwishoni mwa juma
Obama: bin Laden alisaidiwa Pakistan
Rais Obama ametoa wito kwa serikali ya Pakistan kuchunguza mtandao ambao ulimpa hifadhi Osama bin Laden kwenye nyumba ya siri, ambako aliuliwa juma lilopita na makamando wa Marekani.
Akihojiwa kwenye televisheni, Bwana Obama alisema hana ushahidi kuonesha kuwa watu ndani ya serikali ya Pakistan wakimsaidia bin Laden, lakini ni jambo ambalo linafaa kuchunguzwa.
Lakini alisema, lazima kulikuwa na watu wakimsaidia na inafaa kuchunguzwa.
Pakistan imekanusha tuhuma kuwa, kusudi, ilimpa hifadhi kiongozi wa Al Qaeda, na imetoa amri kufanywe uchunguzi, kwanini idara yake ya ujasusi ilishindwa kumpata.
Cornering the Nuclear-Pawed Cat
By Talha Mujaddidi of Axis of Logic Exclusive
President Obama has said that Al-Qaeda has strongholds in Tribal Areas of Pakistan and from there they are planning to attack US. He also mentioned that the US plans to expand its ‘war on terror’ inside Pakistan. This statement of Obama coincided with another statement and that, from terrorist number one. No it’s not Osama! Current terrorist number one is Baitullah Mehsud. Mehsud is based in Tribal areas of Pakistan. (For more info on Mehsud and related news read two of my older articles on Axis of Logic, Playing with Fire in Pakistan, and Now or Never. Pakistan must change its policy in war on terror).
("al-Qaeda" does not exist but is a fake phantom organization, and according to the FBI official website, OBL did not carry out 9/11......which translated legally should also mean defacto that if the head of al-Qaeda did not plan, order, and carry out 9/11, then his organization real or imaginary did not carry out 9/11 logically. Which would explain why he was allegedly killed in late 2001, to prevent him giving his side of the story. Which would explain why the greater number of Gitmo inmates have subsequently been released without charge, and the rest are not being charged in a normal court of law......there's simply no case against them. They are merely being held as showcase trophies indefinitely, illegally.
Therefore in relation to Pakistan, America should not be pursuing "al-Qaeda" IN PAKISTAN, if it constitutes no threat to America and it did not carry out 9/11 in the first place, and America after 8 years has not offered comprehensive proof to anybody that "al-Qaeda" actually carried out 9/11. But the basic essence of their foreign policy and wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is based on this fact.
That the foreign jehadis in FATA Pakistan who are not members of "al-Qaeda' because "al-Qaeda" is a fake intelligence front organization. In addition if the FBI by not charging and pursuing OBL are stating indirectly that "al-Qaeda" did not carry out 9/11, then ultimately these foreign jehadis a few hundred in number and who do not claim to be "al-Qaeda" pose no real threat to the USA.
There is a dispute as to how many foreign jehadis are operating in FATA Pakistan......according to Rehman Malik 4,000, according to others just a few hundred. Whether its 4,000 or a few hundred, they don't constitute a real threat to the USA, as stated above, and should not be the basis of the USA waging and expanding their war into sovereign Pakistan territory.
That the American military due to their Jewish political overlords wage war on false pretenses is no surprise---------after all they stated that Iraq's Saddam had WMD's which could be deployed against America within 45 minutes, and Saddam was working hand in hand with Osama Bin Laden and "al-Qaeda"................on this Jew lie through America alone, 1.2 million Iraqis have since died, from 2003, after the American "liberation". 4 million Iraqi refugees...and the country divided into three ethnic parts.
The question for Pakistan is how many Jew lies must the Pakistan military top brass accept against Pakistan, and how many Pakistani civilians must be killed to sustain the Jew lies against Pakistan? ...........there is no leveling off at the bottom in order to satisfy the Jew lies, it continues on and on, and on, until millions of Pakistanis are killed, the country divided into ethnic enclaves (divide and conquer--------set the Punjabi army against Pashtuns, and be as stupid and provocative as possible), and the Pakistan nukes secured for Israel.
The American's will stay in Iraq until more millions of Iraqis are killed for their Jewish overlords bloodlust.
General Kiyani and Suja Pasha appointed by American embassy insistence and Ann Patterson will follow American orders. They may even have Swiss bank accounts, as do many in the top echelon of the Pakistan military. To be a Pakistani general these days is to be a guaranteed millionaire with $10-50 million assets in Pakistan and abroad, declared and undeclared.
These generals, some of whom sport beards and go regularly to pray at the mosque, are not real soldiers, not real Pak Muslims, but criminals, hustlers, traitors who are killing Pakistani civilians for the Jew, using Pakistani military bases.
These generals, some of whom sport beards and go regularly to pray at the mosque, are not real soldiers, not real Pak Muslims, but criminals, hustlers, traitors who are killing Pakistani civilians for the Jew, based on fake Jew stories which they support and uphold as the supreme truth. They take the side of the Jew, against the wishes and sympathy and desires of the overall Pakistani people.
Different media groups reported that Mehsud while talking to them via cell phone, warned that he “will attack the White House’. If you are shocked or frightened by his statement needn’t be. Just pause for a moment and think how Mehsud hiding somewhere in remote Tribal areas of Pakistan is able to talk to newsmen via cell phone? And why are the CIA or other ally agencies unable to find his location, using his coordinates with their sophisticated tracking devices? What about the fine timing of this home run from Mehsud? Just when the US and its allies are cornering Pakistan and gearing up to expand war on terror inside Pakistan, Mehsud comes up with a statement that is really damaging for Pakistan!
For Pakistan Baitullah Mehsud is an irrelevant side show, an elaborate cover story which explains the destabilization programs against Pakistan by the ISI, and Americans.
What is most important for Pakistan is to focus on the top brass of the Pakistan military and how they perform for and against Pakistan, with America and Israel. Ultimately that's what matters.
Will they side with the ordinary Pakistani people, or with the JEWUSA?
Of course there was another US drone attack in Orakzai agency of the Tribal areas of Pakistan and some innocent people were killed but for some reasons unknown to anyone, the US drone handlers weren’t able to target Osama or Mehsud. It may have something to do with the fact that they really don’t even know where Osama is (or if he is even alive). All we know is that Al-Qaeda is able to send video/audio tapes to Aljazeera based in Qatar. Hold on one minute - isn’t Qatar the same place where CENTCOM is located with a billion dollar complex? Yes folks, it’s the same place but somehow Al-Qaeda is able to bypass their sophisticated electronics and get their video tapes broadcast on Aljazeera.
(Osama Bin Ladin died in late 2001, alledly killed by Umer Sheikh so that Osama could not give too many interviews saying that he did not carry out 9/11. The subsequent videos of him since late 2003 are thus fake..............another Jew lie. Is it not amazing that we do not have at least one current video of him moving around in the open for several minutes, since 2001?)
This is just too much for even the most naive political reader and news follower to accept. All the truth requires in this case is good, old fashioned common sense. Any common soul can ponder on the fact that there is something fishy going on here - not just fishy but also sinister.
And please don’t give place to the tired old words “conspiracy theory”. They no longer work. If it walks like duck and quacks like a duck … you know the rest. This is a matter of the US working to drive its old ally, Pakistan, into a corner. Pakistan was the country that allowed US to station its U-2 spy plane in Peshawar, Pakistan to spy on Soviet Russia. Pakistan was the country that started back channel diplomacy between China and US, something that Bill Clinton had to acknowledge in 2000 when he was in Pakistan for a lengthy five hour tour. (This shows the importance US gave to Pakistan between 1989 and September 10th 2001. Clinton spent 5 days in India, Pakistan’s arch nemesis). Pakistan was the country that the CIA turned to when they fought the Soviets, of course the U.S., themselves, didn’t fight. They asked ISI to train, equip and make battle plans for the ‘mujahedeen’, against Soviets. Once the Soviets got their Vietnam, US simply moved away, and slapped sanctions on Pakistan for continuing its nuclear program. As Hugo Chavez once said, “The U.S. disposes of its allies like used condoms.” It’s ok for US, UK, China, France, Russia, India and Israel to have nuclear weapons but it’s not ok for Pakistan or Iran to have nukes.
(Or as Henry Kissinger said it is more dangerous to be a friend of America than be its enemy.
This is how America behaves towards many Third World nations not just Pakistan. I would characterize this as specifically Jewish behavior rather then genuine American behavior........................I am sure normal Americans serving in their state institutions see the value and sense of cultivating good relations with poor nations for long term strategic, economic and political reasons............South Korea with the USA for example, where the USA has invested heavily in many spheres, and whilst the USA has interfered in South Korean affairs through the military, it has not been severely adverse as in many other countries. Could you really imagine the USA backing shady characters like Zardari onto South Korea as President?........for them South Korea is too important.
However unfortunately for Pakistan the country is not that important for America, and can be used and discarded as and when they wish. In addition what extenuates the Jewish dimension and interest in Pakistan negatively is that it is a Muslim country in the Greater Middle East.
Finally it is a Muslim country in the Greater Middle East, which is a nuclear power, and due to the actions of the Pakistan military, favors pan-Islamism.
For these reasons American Jews take a negative interest in the country, and think how they can destroy the country through America and India more recently. For This reason America was never an "old ally" of Pakistan, but merely through time and money buying influence into the country, in order to control it for the Jew.
This analysis should have been grasped by the elite strategists and leaders from the 1960's certainly after 1965, when America started destabilizing the Ayub Khan regime, but unfortunately this lesson was/is never learned, and so the nation goes through the same problem again and again.
Further I take issue with the idea that Pakistan was an old CONTINUOUS ally, towards whom by implication America and Pakistan were mutually beneficial. More like a master and much abused servant, thats why Ayub khan penned a book in the late sixties, "Friends not Masters", do you recall, obviously speaking from direct experience and pleading pathetically. Lets go through the time line Mujaddidi sahib.
It starts in 1954, the $1 billion American aid and Pakistan joining CENTO. Clearly the Pakistan military are the main tools for all this, as they are in Indonesia and other Third World countries like Panama. Civilian governments destabilized and subverted from 1954--58, until the military eventually come to power with American blessing. The military rule, and wage war against India using the American supplied arms in 1965. The USA imposes an arms embargo, and begin destabilizing the Ayub Khan military regime from 1965 until his fall in 1969. We may say that at least for the Pakistan military and poor old Ayub, the USA was not acting as an "old ally" during that time 1965--69.
Then we have Yahya Khan and the tragedy of 1971...................where the Pakistan military slaughtered 3,000,000 East Pakistanis in order to save the country. Overtly the Americans supported Pakistan through meaningless gesture politics with an aircraft carier in the Bay of Bengal, but covertly they accepted the Indian terms of attack against East Pakistan, and provided no real material or diplomatic assistance to Pakistan in its hour of need.
1972--77, Bhutto who adopted superficially an independent position for Pakistan, and he was toppled by the military with American backing...............was this an act of an "old ally"?. For civilian politicians no, but for the military yes. Then into the 1980's with some military assistance from the USA, and artificial stability through the military, and the introduction of Sharia law into Pakistani society; the arming of the mujaheddin through "Operation Cyclone".....and the creation of proxy fundamentalist forces within Pakistani society by the Pakistani military.........was this ALL the act of an "old ally"? .............................Yes maybe for the military macho men, but not for the vast majority of Pakistani civilians, especially Shia......and so on, and son on.
1) There is an inconsistent perception within Pakistani strategists that the USA is an old ally, 2) That Pakistan should be friends with the USA usually because of foreign aid, 3) That all this is in Pakistan's long term interests, 4) that Pakistan as a faithful servant of the USA who has done a lot for the USA, which naturally the Americans will appreciate and reciprocate, 5) and that ordinary hardworking honest Pakistanis want this to be so......i.e. maintaining good relations with the USA is more important than anything else.
Here there is a fundamental disconnect between the corrupt compromised elite of Pakistan and ordinary Pakistanis, that requires a fundamental over haul.
The point is that after using Pakistan conveniently for the last forty years or more, the time has now come for the US to ditch Pakistan completely. Hence the US has given Pakistan the option to tow its line completely or “the stick” – to accept responsiblity for what happens in future. Hint-hint, is another 9/11 in the making somewhere in West?
(Well what did you expect from the JEWUSA? Tea, sympathy and understanding? Obviously the JEUSA is making threats against Pakistan about terrorist acts in the USA which will be blamed on Pakistan......via Baitullah Mehsud I presume, but the correct and courageous thing to do in the face of such JEWUSA threats is ignore them, and do the right thing by Pakistan..........Stop using the Pakistan army to wage war against the FATA Pashtuns.....stop facilitating drone attacks against the FATA Pashtuns from Pakistani bases.....close American bases in Pakistan...eject their military and security advisors...stop taking their military aid......clarify to the world that OBL is dead....debunk the al-Qaeda myth........reorientate away from the JEWUSA, AND develop closer relations with China or even India.
Its no good moaning and moaning year after year, and following the same old failed JEWUSA policies where the end game is the final destruction of Pakistan.)
The US is pressurizing the Pakistan Army and ISI to throw aside Pakistan’s national interests and blindly do its dirty work inside their own country and in the region.
(As a Pakistani citizen your priority is to focus on and question the loyalty and intentions of the top Pakistani military brass.....thats what you've got to do)
In addition, ignore for a moment the US expansion of war into Pakistan. It gets better. The US has advised the Pakistan Army to disclaim India as enemy number one, not to focus on India in the future and to change its defense policy. How can anyone in their right mind expect the Pakistan Army and ISI to accept US demands, when they have concrete evidence of Indian support from Afghanistan for terrorist groups inside Pakistan? India, in clear violation of 1962 Indus River Water Treaty, has stopped water flow from Kashmir (Chenab River), into Pakistan causing severe water crisis, which will increase sharply in the coming dry months. How can the US expect Pakistan Army and ISI to shove these issues aside?
(It can be done. It maybe wise. India unlike the JEWUSA is not a proactive power, or an aggressive power (relative terms)...........Pakistan initiates wars against India, and India finishes them, no more 1948, 1965, 1971, 1999. There fore to secure the Eastern part and focus on the Western part of the country where things are really happening a major reorientation of Pakistani defense policy might be in order. How stupid it would be if the vast majority of the Pakistan armed forces are stationed against India still, and the Americans with the UK, and NATO invade from the West. I have suggested that a final peace deal to legalise the LoC , and an FTA between the two countries might clear misunderstanding and unwarranted meaningless geostrategic posturing between the two nations.
India only does what she does in Afghanistan with the approval of the USA. Afghanistan is under USA control, and we see how the Americans reacted when the British tried to build bridges to certain sections of the Afghan Taliban.
The Jew prennially using proxies want to use the USA, and India againt Pakistan, but Pakistan if the country is smart can avoid this twin jeopardy. )
Veteran journalist and Pakistan expert, Eric Margolis has penned some telling lines in his new article, Is Pakistan Really Double Dealing? -
“Pakistan’s premier intelligence agency, Inter-Service Intelligence (ISI), has been secretly aiding Taliban and its allies in both Afghanistan and Pakistan. So charged the ‘New York Times’ in a front-page story last week that was clearly planted by the Obama administration. In 2003, the ‘NY Times’ severely damaged its once stellar reputation by serving as a primary conduit for fake war propaganda put out by the Bush administration over Iraq. The ‘Times’ is now beating the war drums for more US military operations against Pakistan”.
Margolis continues,
“ISI is not playing a double game, as Washington charges, but simply assuring Pakistan’s strategic and political interests in the region. Anyway, who are the Americans, who supplied Taliban with millions in aid until four month before 9/11, to criticize Pakistan for its choice of friends.”
(Margolis is a Canadain Jew, who projects himself as an alternative media analyst. He has close relations with the ISI since the 1980's, and may be working for Canadian intelligence.
So he has let the cat out of the bag, whilst maintaining that Pakistan's ISI is not double dealing. Tell me if Pakistan takes $12 billion of security and economic aid from Washington from 2001, on the clear understanding that Pakistan is on America's side fighting "Islamic terrorism", handing over 650 "al-Qaeda", conducting ops in FATA, BUT keeps open channels with the Afghan Taliban who then go and kill American troops...................what is the English word for this? What Margolis has done is kick a friend with a smile.
I have done the same with the ISI, not to defend them as a "friend" with a smile, but to highlight their mistaken policies in the hope that they might finally see the error of their ways, and because I believe the organistion is harming the overall Pakistani society.)
This Pakistani political analyst expects the new Obama plan to be worse than that of Bush, and predict more violence inside Pakistan.
(They need to project Pakistan as a failed state before they can invade it. Zardari and the terrorist ops inside Pakistan are part of that overall destabilisation project for Pakistan)
“Pakistan would be reduced to a battlefield if our leadership accedes to Obama’s strategy,” commented Rustam Shah Mohmand, former interior secretary, former ambassador to Afghanistan and a top security expert.
(YES--------put the man in charge!)
Former Fata secretary Brig (retd) Mehmud Shah is of the view these are testing times for political as well as military leaders, who are expected to defend Pakistan against the sinister Zionist conspiracy to destabilize and denuclearize Pakistan.
( Well Brigadier Yaar its only a testing time if you are indecisive, corrupt, and you are fondling the Jew $, and not thinking clearly. Get all the corps commanders, and aboves together. Order some Muglai Biriyani, Chicken Dopiaza, and some larsi. After the meal state the problem clearly, and make the decision clearly: do the right thing by the Pakistani people and nation..........Stop using the Pakistan army to wage war against the FATA Pashtuns.....stop facilitating drone attacks against the FATA Pashtuns from Pakistani bases.....close American bases in Pakistan...eject their military and security advisors...stop taking their military aid......clarify to the world that OBL is dead....debunk the al-Qaeda myth........reorientate away from the JEWUSA, AND develop closer relations with China or even India. Then do namaz together with a clear and hearty conscience........bass)
The US is dealing with Pakistan on three different levels.
The first is their secret dealing with President Zardari and his special advisors. Just recently Zardari was in Dubai meeting with Richard Holbrooke, and Zalmay Khalilzad under a media blackout. Today, the meeting came to light on Gulf News.
The second is their relationship with the central government of Pakistan.
The third is the relationship with Pakistan army and the ISI.
(Point 1 and 2 are the same, but point 3 is the critical one as they in Pakistan form part of the 2 A's which ultimately counts in Pakistani power politics)
It’s the third tier that is most important and that’s where the frustration is centered at the moment for the US. The Pakistan Army and ISI are simply not willing to go against Pakistan’s national interest as Zardari and his government are doing at the moment.
(False disinformation! Zardari's been in power for about 6 whole months, and his primary motivation is making money and looking after number 1 and not venturing into security matters.................thats Kiyani's area and Suja Pasha. So painting Zardari as the ONLY and real villian in this sad saga just lacks credibility. Zardari clearly is not some machiavelli character who is running rings around the Pakistan military, and their Western advisors, clearly not, NOT in 6 months, not even if he was in power for several years.We see his performance against Sharif recently where he surrendered on all points.
The current injustice against the Pakistan people sovereignty and security wise falls squarely on the Pakistan army......Kiyani and Suja Pasha....the 2 A's in Pakistani society)
The US would like to expand its war into Pakistan’s largest province, Baluchistan. Baluchistan is strategically located East of Iran and to the South of Afghanistan. It has a port at Gwadar that was built by China. Gwadar lies at the opening of Strait of Hurmoz. Baluchistan has huge quantities of natural gas, and unexplored oil reserves. More importantly US want to control the port of Gwadar, and eventually start their dream oil pipeline from Central Asia, through Afghanistan into Baluchistan and Gwadar.
Expanding the war into Pakistan will further inflame the public opinion against U.S. foreign policy. The weak Pakistan government will be under more pressure to change its policy towards the “war on terror”. Already there is a huge difference between public opinion on the war on terror and Zardari’s views. The U.S. media has painted a picture that extremist and conservative parties or groups in Pakistan are against US foreign policy and that they represent a small minority of Pakistanis. This is not the case. The vast majority of the Pakistani population is strongly opposed to the “war on terror”. (Quite correct)President Obama says on television that the U.S. will continue drone attacks in Pakistan and continue to expand “our” war on terror” into Pakistan territory. He says, “but I want to the people of Pakistan to know we are not the enemy of the Pakistan nation”.
(If American destabilization policy is killing Pakistanis; waging war for America in Pakistan is killing Pakistanis; US drone attacks are killing Pakistanis.....what exactly is the Americans doing if not waging a kind of "El Salvador option" against the Pakistani people)
Perhaps the 1% elite class, dual passport holders (mostly US, UK, Canada) in Pakistan will cooperate with the Obama regime, but the 99% people of Pakistan will simply not accept this rhetoric. The 600,000 Pakistani troops and 500,000 reservists are from that 99% majority and not from the 1% elite. That is the point that the policy makers in the US think tanks can’t seem to understand. There are many experts and authors writing reports on Pakistan who have never visited troubled areas here and who have no interaction with the people. Last year, under pressure from the U.S. military chiefs and the Bush regime, the Pakistan government replaced the head of the ISI and gave its command to General Ahmed Pasha. Sadly for the U.S., Pasha has not delivered as the U.S. expected. I hope they didn’t select Pasha for the post just based on his name, because other than his name he shares nothing with obedient the Pashas of the dying Ottoman Empire. (Pasha is actually a title given by Ottoman Empire to people who were favorites of the ruling elite).
(Well as things stand the Americans are getting their way, via the Pakistan military. The crucial crunch will come when the situation gets worse in a few months under Zardari...........in the long hot summer)
After the “who dunnit” terrorist attack at the Lahore police training center, Pakistan is under severe pressure from the US and its allies for ‘doing more’ against terrorism in Pakistan. Nawaz, on the other hand, is chumming up to the U.S. more than ever. He will visit the U.S. embassy in Islamabad next week to discuss future role that US might have for him. As I mentioned previously in my dispatches, Nawaz is close to Clinton family.
(I don't expect Sharif to work miracles for Pakistan but he has to be better than Zardari..........that he has to go to the American embassy to get annointed does not bode well for Pakistan clearly historically speaking. The Lahore attacks were the work of elements of the ISI with close linkages to Musharaf and a warning to Sharif)
The million dollar question to think about is what happens when the U.S. corners Pakistan? Will Pakistan go down like Iraq, ravaged with civil wars, daily bombings, and extreme sectarian divide? Pakistan has at least 170 million people to begin with, and nuclear weapons. Will Pakistan just let go of its nuclear weapons? Will the Army sit in barracks and watch the country plunge into civil war? What will become of the people - 170 million strong?
(Pakistan as you say has 170 million people, but more probably closer to 180 million, of which about 60 million live in densely packed cities. About 5-10 million Pakistanis have private arms, and unlike Iraq most ethnic groups live in their own states....Baluchis live in Baluchistan, Pashtuns in the NWFP, Punjabis in Punjab and Sindhis in Sindh, so it will be difficult to divide and conquer.
Inshallah ordinary Pakistanis are also up for a good fight if it comes their way, and their army desert them as in Iraq where the senior officers were bought by the Americans, since unlike the Iraqis and Afghans, Pakistanis have not been worn down by war.
The Pakistan military if it does decide to fight for Pakistan finally and properly (defending is always easier than attacking) then it can can mobilise between 1.5 to 2 million men, backed by nuclear arms, and the limitless supply of China the greatest industrial power in the world. So focusing on the armed forces should be number one priority for patriotic Pakistanis, questioning its allegience to American security policies, and finding out which of the senior officers are in the pay of America and have bought a safe house around Washington DC.
This would be the reason the Americans are providing greater lip service to India. So for this reason Pakistan should attempt genuinely to make friends with India, legalise the LoC, and sign an FTA. Pakistan destabilisation and occupation by foreign troops will create huge problems for India, as a super failed state.)
Another question remains about whether the U.S. will send in ground troops if Pakistan Army and ISI refuse to fight “terrorists” in tribal areas of Pakistan. Is Obama ready to spend billions more in fighting the “war on terror”? Will we see India sending its troops into Afghanistan to support US and NATO troops? The basic rule of nature is that there is an equal and opposite reaction to every action. The Pakistan Army and ISI have no doubt been a long ally of Pentagon and the CIA. But when the existence of ISI and Pakistan Army itself is under threat, they just might decide to change their alliances. Will Pakistan Army start supporting Taliban in Afghanistan again in order to divert the U.S. war expansion from Pakistan back into Afghanistan? Uncle Sam must remember that China too has a big stake in Pakistan. The Pakistan Army has the same level of strategic partnership with its Chinese counterpart as they have with the Americans. The only difference is that there are no secrets between China and Pakistan. According to Sun Tzu, the art of war is to defeat your enemy without fighting! This is surely something that the U.S. should remember and the fact that no invading army has ever returned victorious from Afghanistan. Hence this surge theory of Obama is rubbish to say the least. “Only fools rush in.”
(Yes this is all very well, but how is the Americans to be persuaded otherwise. The Americans are making a hefty profit from the Afghan narcotics.....and after 8 years of occupation are showing no inclination to leave, in fact quite the opposite. This is all wishful thinking.
The best thing to do rather than speculate about Afghanistan is create safety nets for Pakistan first....and then work from there. Pakistan can say no to America and survive with alliances with China and India. OK if you want to be really creative get rid of the Americans and station Chinese troops in Pakistan first, and Chinese warships in Gwadar. Make peace with India, FTA 's with India, and then face the Americans with their nefarious designs on Pakistan.)
Papa anataka waumini kupokea wakimbizi
Papa Benedict amewaomba Wakatoliki wa Utaliana wawe wavumilivu kwa wakimbizi kutoka Afrika Kaskazini.
Aliwaambia waumini katika mji mmoja wenye bandari, kwamba Wakatoliki wanafaa kuwakaribisha na kuwa karimu kwa maelfu ya wageni wanaowasili kwenye bandari zao mwaka huu.
Idadi ya wakimbizi kutoka Afrika Kaskazini imezidi kwa sababu ya ghasia katika nchi za eneo hilo.
Jana usiku meli ya wavuvi, iliyobeba mamia ya watu kutoka Libya, iligonga mwamba ilipojaribu kutia nanga katika kisiwa cha Utaliana cha Lampedusa.
Taarifa zinasema abiria wote walinusurika, na wengine walisaidiwa na walinzi wa pwani wa Utaliana
The Decadent West? Most Arabic websites are Pornographic!
Across the expanse of Islam’s rotting cities, hopelessly failed economies, and backward, medieval social systems there is often heard the anemic and slightly effeminate outcry against the decadent West with it’s permissive societies ridden with porn and prostitutes. So what are we to make of the findings below?
Arabic is the 2nd most common language that is used to search for “gay sex.” It’s the number one language for search involving “sexy.” As you can see in that same graph, Iran is at 3 and Egypt is at 4, listed under regions where search on “sexy” was most conducted.
Arabic is the 2nd most common language that is used to search for “gay man.” The countries that most search for this is currently Malaysia (#1) and Indonesia (#2). For “gay girl,” Arabic is also the 2nd most common language.
For “child porn,” Turkey is the 2nd country where this is most searched. Turkish is the #1 language used.
Turkey has one of the most searches for the word “porno.” Morocco is at 5. Turkish is #1 language used to conduct the search in. Indonesia is currently #1 country that search for the word “vagina.”
Turkey is not an Arab country, nor are some of the other countries I listed. But they are Muslim, so I thought the findings were fascinating to say the least. All of this information is not in the least bit shocking, but it’s quite ironic.
Sex Searches By Country
Searches on Google by Language for Sexually Oriented Material-By Far the Most Commonly Searched for Material in the Arabic Language is Pornography!
Egypt is currently #1 for “fat sex.”
Pakistan, Morocco, Turkey and Egypt are at the top of the list when it comes to “animal sex.”
For “children sex,” Pakistan is at #1, Egypt #2 and Iran #3. The most common languages used to conduct the search in are Arabic and Turkish.
For “sexy children,” these results are probably the most disturbing. Pakistan, Syria, Iran, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, followed by Turkey at #9.
For “sexy child,” Pakistan is #1, followed by Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Turkey. Common languages are Persian, Arabic, and Turkish.
For “homo sex,” Indonesia is #1, Morocco is at 6.
For “rape,” Pakistan is at 1. Malaysia is at 3.
For “bird sex,” Egypt is at 1. (Come ON!)
For “ass sex,” Saudi Arabia comes first, followed directly by Egypt and Morocco. Most common language is Arabic
Behind the Libya War | The Daily Beast
Why are we bombing Libya, when we’re nearly broke and already fighting elsewhere? Peter Beinart on Obama’s endgame in Libya—and how the difficult lessons of Bosnia shape the campaign against Gaddafi. Plus, U.N. jets strike near Gaddafi’s compound and more updates from Libya.
It’s remarkable, when you think about it. The U.S. is already fighting two, deeply frustrating wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The public mood is isolationist; the president is by nature cautious; the federal government is nearly broke. Libya is peripheral to core American interests, and most Americans would have trouble finding it on a map, even with the name written in.
So why are we at war there? More than anything else, because of Bosnia.
and you’ll get the kind of answers Jay Leno elicits when he asks passers-by who won the Battle of Britain. But foreign policymaking is generally an elite affair, and Bosnia was the crucible in which a whole generation of American and European elites forged their view of the world. It was Bosnia where Western liberals decided, 20 years after the fall of Saigon, that Western military intervention could be both moral and effective. It was Bosnia where civilian elites learned to distrust the Pentagon’s warnings that limited war was impossible. It was NATO’s success in Bosnia that convinced so many that the West could have intervened successfully in Rwanda, and which set the stage for the humanitarian war in Kosovo in 1999.
Look at the people who reportedly influenced their governments to back a no-fly zone: Samantha Power at the White House, who began her professional career reporting from Bosnia. Bernard-Henri Levy in France, who made a 1994 documentary urging military intervention against Slobodan Milosevic. “Europe’s shameful failure to prevent genocide in the Balkans was a formative experience for a whole generation of British ministers,” explains The Economist. “Some close observers of Balkan suffering now hold key posts in the present-day coalition government.”
As in Bosnia, the West’s motive for intervening in Libya is not purely humanitarian. In the early and mid-1990s, U.S. and European leaders decided that what happened in the Balkans might well determine of the fate of the broader revolution that was remaking Eastern Europe. They decided that taming Milosevic was crucial not only to the fate of democracy and human rights in the former Soviet Bloc, but to the expansion of Western power. That’s the case today as well, both for the U.S., which wants to stay on the right side of the Arab democracy struggle, and especially for Mediterranean countries like France and Italy, whose fates are deeply bound up with North Africa’s. Libya, like Bosnia but unlike, say, Congo, sits on NATO’s doorstep. And Libya, like Bosnia but unlike, say Bahrain, does not reside near the orbit of a hostile regional power
So what are the lessons of Bosnia and the Western air wars that have followed? First, that humanitarian wars are not won purely in the air. What turned the tide in Bosnia—at least as much as NATO bombing—were the arms shipments and military training that allowed the Bosnians and Croats to best Serb forces on the ground. In Vietnam, by contrast, Saigon could never field enough motivated troops to take advantage of U.S. air attacks, which was why American GIs largely had to take over. The Libyan rebels seem to have plenty of motivation. The question is how much weaponry and training America and its allies can get them in a short period of time. Luckily for the U.S., Egypt appears to be facilitating the transfer. If Western governments don’t already have military trainers on the ground in Libya, I’d be amazed.
Second, the more successful an air war is, the less control America has over its allies on the ground. The U.S. didn’t want the Kosovo Liberation Army to cleanse the province of Serbs or to declare independence. They did both. We wanted the Northern Alliance to stop short of Kabul when the Taliban fled the city. They ignored us. If we’re lucky, the Libyan rebels will soon be a much more powerful force, and if we’re really lucky, they’ll be a powerful force capable of unifying Libya behind a reasonably humane regime. But the latter will be mostly out of our hands.
Finally, Western planes will kill innocent people, and the war will drag on longer than Western leaders want. And sooner or later, Barack Obama and his European counterparts will likely confront this question: Would they rather lose than go in on the ground themselves? It doesn’t really matter that Obama has already ruled the latter out. So did Bill Clinton in Kosovo, and according to some accounts, it was only because and Tony Blair reconsidered that Milosevic let Kosovo go.
In a way, that is the question that Bosnia hawks (a category in which I include myself) were always able to evade. Twice in the Balkans, Milosevic caved just in time. We should all pray that Gaddafi does the same. Because if he does not, humanitarian hawks will be forced to face a painful truth: Americans will tolerate a lot of casualties in a humanitarian war, just so long as none of them are ours.
Libya and Yemen Interference may take US in direct War with Russia & China
JNN 28 April 2011 : The US is at the risk of a war with Russia andChina as its main objective behind engineering the Libyan war and Syrian unrest is to remove the two world powers out of the Mediterranean, a former US official warns.
“Washington is all for invading against Libya and is putting more and more pressure to intervene in Syria because we want to … clear China and Russia out of the Mediterranean,” Paul Craig Roberts, former assistant secretary to US Treasury in Panama City said in an interview with Press TV.
On one hand, China has massive energy investments in eastern Libya and is relying on Libya and on the other hand, Russia has a large naval base in Syria and it gives it a presence in the Mediterranean, he pointed out.
“Those two countries are just in the way of American hegemony in the Mediterranean and certainly the Americans do not want a powerful Russian fleet stationed there and they certainly don’t want China drawing energy resources,” Roberts added.
“Once Russia and China come to the conclusion that the Americans simply cannot be dealt with it in any rational way and are determined to somehow subdue them and do them damage, all kinds of escalations can result. This is the real danger and we’re risking a major war,” the former senior US official cautioned.
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin sharply criticized the Western coalition attacking Libya on Tuesday, saying it had neither a right nor a mandate to kill Moammar Gadhafi.
Putin said the coalition had gone beyond the bounds of a U.N. Security Council resolution authorizing intervention to protect civilians and suggested Gadhafi’s actions did not justify foreign interference, let alone attempts to remove him.
“They said they didn’t want to kill Gadhafi. Now some officials say, yes, we are trying to kill Gadhafi,” Putin said on a visit to Denmark. “Who permitted this, was there any trial? Who took on the right to execute this man, no matter who he is?”
Putin spoke as Britain and the United States discussed stepping up military pressure on Gadhafi, who has survived more than a month of NATO air strikes.
“The country’s whole infrastructure is being destroyed, and in essence one of the warring sides is attacking under the cover of aircraft,” Putin said at a news conference after talks with his Danish counterpart, Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen.
“When the entire so-called civilized community falls upon a small country with all its might, destroys infrastructure created over generations — I don’t know, is that good or not?” Putin said. “I don’t like it.”
Shortly after Putin spoke, Libyan state news agency Jana said Libya had urged Russia to call an emergency meeting of the U.N. Security Council to discuss “Western aggression.”
In Moscow, Russia’s Foreign Ministry said nobody was available to comment on the report.
Putin called Gadhafi’s Libya “crooked” but said that did not justify intervention.
“Look at a map of this region of the world. … What, is it full of Danish-style democracies? No, there are monarchical states all around. This overall answers to the mentality of the population and the practices that developed there,” he said.
“Is there a lack of crooked regimes in the world? What, are we going to intervene in internal conflicts everywhere? Look at Africa, what’s been happening in Somalia for many years. … Are we going to bomb everywhere and conduct missile strikes?”
Putin has often criticized foreign intervention in the affairs of sovereign states.
He said the resolution authorizing intervention in Libya was “a call for everyone to come and do whatever they want.”
“Why strike palaces? What, are they exterminating mice this way?” Putin said. “Surely people are being killed in these strikes — Gadhafi is not there, he slipped away long ago, but peaceful civilians are dying.”
Permanent U.N. Security Council member Russia abstained from the U.N. vote last month. Putin likened it at the time to “a medieval call for crusades,” a remark that suggested he might have ordered a veto had he still been president.
Russia’s president is head of state and sets foreign policy, while the prime minister manages the economy. Putin steered his protege Dmitry Medvedev into the presidency in 2008 but has said he may try to return to the Kremlin himself in a 2012 vote.
The commander of the NATO operation, Canadian Lt.-Gen. Charles Bouchard, said the attack on a building in Gadhafi’s compound on Monday was on communications facilities and the Libyan leader was not there at the time.
“This is a military compound, in which there are various houses and residences, but also technical command and control nodes throughout,” Bouchard told reporters in Brussels.
“He was not in the room but the point is command and control, not individuals,” he said
Meanwhile, the US does not want to overthrow the governments in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia, where both governments are using violence against protesters “Because they’re our puppets and we have a large naval base in Bahrain,” Roberts argued.
According to Libya’s National Transitional Council, since the revolution against Libyan ruler Muammar Gaddafi’s regime began in mid-February at least 10,000 people have been killed and another 30,000 injured in clashes with pro-Gaddafi forces in the North African country, while 20,000 more are still listed as missing.
Elsewhere in Syria, scattered protests have broken out since mid-March. Several people have reportedly been killed in clashes between security forces and armed groups.
Roberts argued that “Washington was caught off guard by the outbreaks of protests in Tunisia and Egypt, but quickly learned that they could use and hide behind Arab protests to evict Russia and China without a direct confrontation … so they’ve engineered these protests.”
In recent months, a wave of revolutions and anti-government uprisings has swept the Arab world.
In January, a revolution in Tunisia ended the 23-year ruling of former President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali.
In February, another revolution led to the ouster of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak after three decades of authoritarian rule.
Other revolutions have erupted in Yemen and Bahrain, while more anti-government upheavals have swept Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Oman, Kuwait and Algeria.
Meanwhile, more Arab countries are expected to witness similar revolts.
Christian and Muslim Dialogue
Going through my collection of Islamic literature that i have gathered over the years, i found a publication by the late Ahmad Deedat’s IPCI. When i first began having dialogue with Muslims i was handed the above titled booklet and thought it would be a worthwhile exercise going through it, so as to give the public an insight into how Islam views Christianity.
The ‘dialogue’ is supposed to be between (C) Christians and (M) Muslims, though the names of the ‘questioner’ and ‘answerer’ is not stated. Now, reading the booklet one may feel a Christian of some standing was being asked to explain a number of Biblical issues, which i shall list, and apparently was not able to tackle. For this reason i will list the Q and A from the booklet, and then point out just how Islam uses propaganda to defame Christianity and brainwash the unsuspecting. But first;
I am an American raised from childhood in the Christian belief. Until I began my soul’s quest for God, I had taken many matters of importance for granted.
After discussions, reading, and rereading the manuscript of the present Muslim Christian Dialogue, I have gone over the quotations from the King James Version of the Holy Bible and the Holy Qur’an.
I finally announce my shahadah (testimony) publicly in English, then in Arabic: I bear witness that there is no deity except Allah, Who has no partner, and that Muhammad is His servant and messenger (a shhadu an la illaha illa Allah, wahdahu la sharikah lahu wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa rasulahu).
Through this very basic and simple testimony, I believe many people will submit to Allah in spirit and truth.
I hope that this short and easy to read booklet will be read worldwide and will attract many who are searching for a true belief where their minds may find rest and satisfaction.
Roy Earl Johnson
This is his testimony, but is it based upon sound knowledge? The readers can judge this for yourselves.
Note from the Author
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
This booklet has been written as the result of dialogues that I had with members of the Christian clergy and laity. The discussions were polite, pleasant, friendly, and constructive without the slightest intention of hurting the religious feeling of any Christian. It is provocative and a challenge to Christianity. It is indispensable for those looking for the truth and those studying Comparative religion.
C: Christian
M or m: Muslim
(pbuh): peace be upon him
(pbut): peace be upon them
(The latter two phrases are said by all pious Muslims after mentioning the name of a prophet. They will be assumed throughout this booklet).
H. M. Baagil, M. D.
January 1 984
And so to the list of contents
Obama Borrows $161 Million from the Chinese for NEA Porn
President Obama continues to lie to the American people with the sycophantic collusion of the State-controlled Mainstream Media. With all the arrogance of history’s best liars: Stalin, Mao, Chavez, he touts absurd token “cuts” in the budget while opening the veins of the American economy to bleed our future. Just one of his thousand cuts is the $161.3 million he is borrowing from the Chinese to give to the National Endowment for the Arts. The NEA, at it’s best makes grants to well-funded organizations which could easily stand on their own. But the NEA also funds avant garde artists who could never stand on their own becasue their work is not art and no one in ther right mind would pay a cent for it. Of course, Obama pays millions–millions he has borrowed from the Chinese. Here are a few of the generally offensive garbage projects we are going into hock for.
The NEA has used tax dollars to subsidize pornography, sadomasochism, and other forms of indecency. Here are some selected examples:
•In 1995, the NEA-funded “Highways,” a venue featuring a summer “Ecco Lesbo/Ecco Homo” festival in Santa Monica, California. The festival featured a program actually called “Not for Republicans” in which a performance artist ruminated on “Sex with Newt’s Mom.” The artistic director was Tim Miller (of the “NEA Four”). Former Clinton adviser Paul Begala agreed that items in the published schedule were obscene.65
•NEA grants announced in December 1996 included $20,000 to the “Woolly Mammoth Theater” venue for Tim Miller, one of the “NEA Four” performance artists. He had stripped twice, talked about picking up homosexual prostitutes, and asked members of the audience to blow on his genitals in a 1995 production entitled “Naked Breath.” The NEA also awarded $25,000 to “Camera News, Inc.,” also known as “Third World Newsreel,” a New York distributor of Marxist revolutionary propaganda films.66
•In June 1996, Representative Hoekstra raised questions about “The Watermelon Woman.” The film was funded by a $31,500 NEA grant. It contained what one review described as the “hottest dyke sex scene ever recorded on celluloid.” “I had high hopes that Jane Alexander would forbid further outrages by the NEA, but apparently even she—nice lady that she is—lacks the power and the will to put an end to the NEA’s obsession with handing out the taxpayers’ money to self-proclaimed `artists’ whose mentality is just so much flotsam floating around in a sewer,” said Senator Jesse Helms.67
•Hilton Kramer, in a March 1996 issue of The New York Observer, noted a new “disgusting” Whitney exhibition he characterized as a “jolly rape of the public sensibilities.” The Whitney was showing the work of Edward Kienholz, and “it almost goes without saying that this America-as-a merde [French for excrement] show is supported by a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts.” The Whitney Museum recently received the largest grant issued by the NEA thus far in 1997—$400,000.
•The Sunday Maine-Telegram, reported on March 3, 1996, that William L. Pope, a Professor at Bates College, received $20,000 grant in the final round of NEA grants to individual performance artists. He intended to use the money for at least two projects. In one, he would chain himself to an ATM machine in New York City wearing only his underwear. In the other, he “plans to walk the streets of New York wearing a six-foot-long white tube like a codpiece. He’s rigged it up so he can put an egg in one end, and it will roll out the faux, white penis.” The Maine-Telegram noted that the NEA individual fellowship program “will go out with a bang, at least with this grant.”
•”Sex Is,” a pornographic video displaying the NEA credit, is still in distribution.
•Bob Flanagan’s “Super Masochist,” featuring sexual torture, and an Andres Serrano exhibit featuring “Piss Christ” were shown at the NEA-funded New Museum in New York City. Flanagan (now deceased) was recently the star of a film at the Sundance Film Festival entitled “Sick,” which showed him nailing his male organs to a wooden plank. “Sick” is also on the 1997 schedule of the New Directors/New Films series co-sponsored by the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts and the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. Both institutions have been NEA grant recipients, and Lincoln Center chief Nathan Leventhal is one of President Clinton’s nominees for the National Council on the Arts. His nomination is pending in the Senate.
•Ron Athey’s video of his ritual torture and bloodletting, subsidized indirectly through tour promotion at NEA venues like Walker Art Gallery and PS 122 in New York. (Walker Art Center grants actually increased in the year after the museum booked Athey.)
•Joel-Peter Witkin, a four-time recipient of NEA individual fellowships whose photograph of severed heads and chopped up bodies were displayed by Senator Helms on the Senate floor two years ago as evidence of the moral corruption of the NEA (Helms discussed one featuring a man’s head being used as a flowerpot). Witkin was honored with a retrospective at New York’s NEA-funded Guggenheim museum. Even The New York Times condemned the show as “gruesome.”
•Karen Finley, also of the “NEA Four,” brought her new “performance piece” to an NEA-funded venue in Boston.
•Holly Hughes, another of the “NEA Four” (and recipient of a 1994 individual fellowship), brought her act to an NEA-funded institution in suburban Virginia.
•New York City’s New Museum, an NEA-funded operation, hosted a retrospective of the work of Andres Serrano, which once more included an exhibit of “Piss Christ.”
•New York’s Museum of Modern Art, funded by the NEA, hosted an NEA-funded exhibit of Bruce Nauman’s work, also displayed at the Smithsonian’s Hirshhorn Museum, which included neon signs reading “S— and Die” and “F— and Die.”
•The NEA literature program subsidized the author of a book entitled The Gay 100, which claims that such historical figures as Saint Augustine were homosexuals.
99% of the Pakistani people vs the Anglocised traitor elite of Pakistan.
Pakistan is failed state number 9 from the bottom (2008). It has an unofficial population of 180 million. It lives on IMF, and Gulf Arab financial handouts. Its elite is made of 500 Zamindar/Tamindar big land owning families who acquired their position during British colonial rule. Their money and wealth is mainly in Swiss bank accounts, or London, or NY. Their children are sent abroad to these countries living exclusive jet set lives that are completely disconnected to ordinary Pakistanis. Indeed an inordinate amount of their time is spent abroad.
There is in addition 30 "commercial" families who owe their wealth not to land but commerce and industry. They too invest their money in Switzerland, London and NY. Their children are sent abroad to these countries living exclusive jet set lives that are completely disconnected to ordinary Pakistanis. Indeed an inordinate amount of their time is spent abroad.
Conducting business in Pakistan is mightily peculiar as with much else, and one must have certain gangster characteristics in order to make it to the big league of business in Pakistan. That is why Zardari is one of the richest men in Pakistan, amassing billions of $, ...............................without doing any REAL business in the first place. That is why the great business houses of Pakistan only generate $18 billion worth of exports for the entire nation of 180 million (2008). Of course with exports you have to compete with normal businesses around the world..........and whilst gangsterism and muscle power might work for you inside Pakistan, illegally acquiring your wealth, it won't help you much in the rest of the world.
Finally there is the Pakistan military officially 650,000 strong, unofficially 800,000, backed by 300,000 paramilitary. The ISI created by the departing British in 1948 as an instrument of British post-colonial control is part of the Pakistan military and is operated by the Pakistan military personnel. All its heads are senior Pakistani generals. Obviously with such numbers, and the actual fact of Pakistani history the Pakistan military is the most powerful political force in Pakistani politics whether in actual power or in reserve waiting in the wings, destabilising civilian governments.
When the Pakistan military actually come to power they form alliances with the Zamindari/Tamindar and commercial groups and a select group of technocrats from the bureaucracy to actually run the country. The military generals are not particularly sophisticated........................with basic university education, and one thinks of Zia ul Haq who seemed with his demeanor the standard Punjabi village sardar, rather than the head of a large military machine. In short the generals themselves don't have the actual capacity to run Pakistan alone, and require the assistance of technocrats..............more so now with Pakistan's multiple geostrategic problems, internal political problems, and finally no less socio-economic problems. Pakistan's population will reach 400 million by 2050, so the demographic and ALL other pressures will bear down hard on Pakistan in the years to come. Things will not get any easier.
To confound the above problems of Pakistan, the country is cursed by the Americans and British, two nations who take a great negative interest in the failed state. The Americans overtly, and the British in their usual sly covert manner. Because of this "interest" from Pakistan's "friends", Pakistan in alliance with its elite fails as a nation...................this has been the unmistakable pattern of the tragic nations 61 years of history.
The Pakistani elite is bastardized and corrupt, and has never shown any inclination to really work for Pakistan. It will never change. ZA Bhutto who came from this group, was no better. His language and slogan was all about the poor man, but in the sum total of things when all is said and done he was nothing but an egotistical self centered rabble rouser, who never actually constructively governed Pakistan for its betterment.........a man who sacrificed one part of the country in order to attain supreme power over the other.
The Pakistani military is bastardized and corrupt, and has never shown any inclination to really work for Pakistan. Its supreme focus has been fixed for it by the British against India, NOTHING ELSE. It will never change............it is currently helping the Americans kill Pakistani civilians in a bogus Zionist/Jewish security war, using Pakistani military bases........the surreal absurdity of it all. They probably even know the bogus nature of their operations in Pakistan.
So what Pakistan needs is a revolution against the elite. They need to be removed just like India 1948. They are an anti-state traitor class. The majority of people, educated and uneducated understand this, and so this popular national sentiment needs to be translated into political action, soon.
In addition the Pakistan military needs to be challenged. The standard phrase is that the 2 A's run Pakistan....the army and America. Or the joke I heard from a fellow Pakistani Barrister student in 1999, at Lincoln's Inn, "Why isn't there any coups in America? Because there isn't any American embassy there." Therefore in order to neutralize the two, the following must be done........closing of all JEWUSA bases in Pakistan; their advisers military and intelligence ejected; the consulates and maybe for a while their embassies closed.......a complete disconnection with the JEWUSA, and of course the quiet sly UK.
There after, after the peoples revolution, Pakistan needs to form new alliances with other Asian countries like China and India.
Only then can we begin to think of some sort of rational logical state policies that help the Pakistani people into a reasonable stable prosperous Third World nation that meets the basic needs of the vast majority of Pakistani people.
If THIS doesn’t tell the world who runs America, nothing else will. Obama is terrified of the Zionist bankers and AIPAC obviously because of their power of the purse just before he will need campaign funds for the elections next year. Not only that, but he was bought and sold long ago. He may put on a show of caring about peace, and maybe somewhere in his heart he has a cell or two that wants it, but generally speaking, he is a hawk bought and owned by Israel.
Hamas says the veto shows the American administration's bias towards the occupation and slams it as immoral behavior disregarding the international community.
By News Agencies and Haaretz Service
February 19, 2011
The Palestinian Permanent Observer to the United Nations, called 'unfortunate' the U.S. veto of an Arab-sponsored United Nations Security Council resolution condemning Israeli settlement building in the West Bank and East Jerusalem on Friday.
"The Security Council failed to respond to the Israeli-Palestinian crisis and send a clear and firm message to Israel that it must ... cease all of its violations and its obstruction of the peace process," said Riyad Mansour, the Palestinian representative.
Israel has a plan and it will not do a damn thing to halt building and settling the lands full of illegal settlements. Legal, schmeagal, it means nothing to Israel, never has and never will. As I have written and posted before, they have the plan for the Greater Israel and NOTHING will stop them. In their supreme arrogance and hubris they will continue. Only the most naïve would ever have considered hope from a peace process. And after the leak of the Palestine Papers, this is fact.
Israel does not know how to bargain in good will and has no interest in doing so. They never follow through on their word unless it is good for Israel. The way they treated Abbas, the way he let them treat him, and how he kowtowed to their demands, should tell the world this peace process, like the two state solution, is a waste of time.
"We fear ... that the message sent today may be one that only encourages further Israeli intransigence and impunity," Mansour said.
Israel does not care about encouragement from the outside world. As pointed out, they have their own agenda, one that has been on paper for a very long time.
The United States on Friday voted against a United Nations Security Council draft resolution that would have condemned Israeli settlements as illegal. The veto by the U.S., a permanent council member, prevented the resolution from being adopted.
Home of the brave? In the past, yes. Today, politicians are cowardly critters. They just obey Israel, don’t so what is right or what the people want. They are greedy and spineless…
The other 14 Security Council members voted in favor of the draft resolution. But the U.S., as one of five permanent council members with the power to block any action by the Security Council, struck it down.
The resolution had nearly 120 co-sponsors. The Obama administration's veto is certain to anger Arab countries and Palestinian supporters around the world.
The U.S. opposes new Israeli settlements but says taking the issue to the UN will only complicate efforts to resume stalled negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians on a two-state solution.
What a complete crock full of hooey! For all the reasons mentioned above.
Prime Minister Netanyahu said that Israel was deeply grateful to the United States for vetoing the resolution. "Israel deeply appreciates the decision by (U.S.) President (Barack) Obama to veto the Security Council Resolution," Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office said in a statement.
Israel was "prepared to pursue negotiations vigorously" and was "eager to get on" with Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, the premier's office said. The "decision by the US makes it clear that the only path to such a peace will come through direct negotiations and not through the decisions of international bodies," it continued.
Nothing I would like to put in here can be said in polite society. That creature does not want peace. For so many reasons. War is the only thing Israel understands, it keeps the citizens on their toes for a myriad of reasons; and it is wonderful to bring in the more fanatic Jews to these settlements with the objective of making life so miserable for the Palestinians that they abandon the land.
These people are so set in their intentions that, even when offered a fortune in the latest jets, they turned the offer down and that was to only halt building for a few months! That should tell you something.
Palestinians say continued settlement building flouts the internationally-backed peace plan that will permit them to create a viable, contiguous state on the land after a treaty with Israel to end its control of the West Bank and decades of conflict.
I am thinking Palestine needs to begin to rethink this whole issue, break out of the box and come up with some alternative ideas.
Israel says this is an excuse for avoiding peace talks and a precondition never demanded before during 17 years of negotiation, which has so far produced no agreement.
Pass me the spittoon please. This hypocrisy is too much to stand.
Peace negotiations were halted in September after a temporary Israeli settlement freeze expired. Palestinians refuse to return to the negotiating table unless settlement building halts completely, including in East Jerusalem.
The Islamic Palestinian Hamas group also slammed the U.S. veto describing it as immoral behavior and a disregard of the international community.
Hamas said in a statement that the veto shows the American administration's bias towards the occupation.
Hamas urged the Palestinian Authority to stop all forms of security coordination with Israel.
Hamas is bang on in all counts. Of course.
Egypt also slammed the decision saying it was "disappointing."
A spokesman for the Egyptian Foreign Ministry, Hossam Zaki, predicted that the veto will instead push all sides away from the talks and further damage the credibility of the US as a mediator.
It also shows that, for all his fancy words in Cairo about world peace and understanding, Obama was just grandstanding.
Its stance was "not only disappointing to the Palestinian and Arab people, but also on an international level, especially in all of the states that supported the draft resolution," Zaki said
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